
We are a small family farm specializing in small custom timber frame products, and woolen goods from our sheep. We also raise chickens for meat and eggs.

Timber framing is an ancient art of woodcraft with timeless beauty and legendary durability. Timber framing uses wood to wood joinery instead of metal fasteners by way of mortise and tenon joints with wooden pegs, lap joints and dovetail joints. We cut the joints using traditional hand tools as well as some power tools. Some of our products include benches, wedding arches, pergolas, woodsheds and small cabin frames. We do custom work made to order. The wood we use is either harvested from our farm or cut from other local lands.

Our sheep are raised and grazed in our silvopasture, being moved every other day in the summer to help improve the land. We hand process all of the wool from our sheep; taking it from greasy wool fresh off the sheep to yarn, cozy sweaters, hats and such. Our sheep are bred to produce soft wearable wool in natural colors, white or dyed. In the early spring before lambing we shear our sheep so we can use the lovely wool and relieve the sheep of all the weight. A few weeks after shearing the ewes start to birth lambs. Lambing is a favorite time of year for our children. They love caring for the newborn lambs to make sure they are healthy and are well cared for by their mothers. As the lambs get older the children like to play with them to make them friendly.